About Me

➽➽➽➽ I started reading at six or seven-years-old. The first book I ever read was The Secret of Fantasy Forest (Sweet Valley Kids) and I thought that the plot was the coolest thing ever. I also started reading Nancy Drew – which is my sister’s favorite series ever) pretty soon after. A quick note: No, I don’t think I’ll watch The CW’s Nancy Drew. Bleh.

➽➽➽➽ My mom (who shares a birthday with Harry and JK) introduced me to Harry Potter a couple of years after. I devoured books 1-3 in days.

➽➽➽➽ I eventually stopped reading when I reached high school – my time was taken over by Taiwanese and Japanese boybands. Lol but now I manage my time better and I have enough time for reading and my boybands.

➽➽➽➽ I did read Twilight and Hunger Games because of all the hype, but while I enjoyed them, they didn’t really inspire me to explore reading other books.

➽➽➽➽ I eventually discovered Vampire Academy and City of Bones, and your girl was HOOKED. I pretty much devoured all of Richelle Mead’s and Cassandra Clare’s already-released books at the time.

➽➽➽➽ I started reading Clockwork Angel in 2011, and I fell in love with the world, the writing, and the characters. I liked Jem the most while reading Clockwork Angel; Will the most while reading Clockwork Prince; Tessa the most while reading a huge chunk of Clockwork Princess, and I settled into loving these three so fiercely and equally after finishing Clockwork Princess. You guys, I cried SO HARD throughout this trilogy!

➽➽➽➽ I am the ultimate Herongraystairs stan. Herongraystairs is the ship of all ships, and you cannot convince me that they’re not canon! Fun fact: I teared up while discussing Herongraystairs with Cassie.

➽➽➽➽ I will read whatever books Cassandra Clare, Richelle Mead, Marie Rutkoski, and Jenny Han release.

➽➽➽➽ Speaking of Marie Rutkoski… The Winner’s Trilogy is criminally underrated and it deserves all the acclaim, accolades, and fans in the world.

➽➽➽➽ I abhor (hate is too simple a word) love triangles. I detest them so much that I’ve stopped reading love triangles, whatever genre they may be in. But I enjoyed every word of The Infernal Devices. It’s my favorite series of all time.