Let’s Chat: Books I Reread All the Time (Part 1)

I feel like I’ve spoken about this before, but I’ve never been good at blogging when something negative is going on in my life. I don’t typically write posts in advance (which I’m really regretting now) so I always end up on an unplanned hiatus. I’m still typically active on twitter, but that hasn’t been the case since around this time around. All the sick days and the anxiety have also taken a toll on my reading – I don’t think I’ve read a new release from start to finish in months, which has surprised me. What has been a game-changer though, and the one thing making me feel like ‘Hey! Things aren’t so bad after all!’, is rereading.

Instead of forcing myself to keep on reading new releases, I decided to shift and reread my favorites instead. BEST. DECISION. EVER. I discovered how much I love rereading – there’s zero pressure to write a review; I already know what’s going to happen; and most importantly, I found that rereading grounded me. I couldn’t get enough of it.

I thought it would be fun to make a list of the books that I enjoy rereading multiple times and wow, I thought of A LOT! I thought of so many titles that ‘My Favorite Rereads’ will now become a blog series! So without further delay… Here are the first five books that I can’t get enough of, mini reviews included!

Continue reading “Let’s Chat: Books I Reread All the Time (Part 1)”

My July Monthly Wrap Up

Hi. First and foremost, how are you? This has been a trying year for all of us. Before I start this blog post, I want to take a quick minute to check on all of you. Please stay safe, stay healthy. We’ll get through this.

What a year this has been, huh? I remember posting blogging resolutions near the start of the year, and one resolution is that I have to learn to compartmentalize, and learn to blog even when I’m not in the mood or when other parts of my life aren’t going well. That… hasn’t really happened. I underestimated how exhausting this pandemic is, and how tiring being terrified all the time is. I’ve also barely read the past few months, which is really weird. Reading has always been my safe haven, and to not be reading when the going gets tough is something new to me. Also, whenever I do itch to read, I reread. For a while there, I didn’t really like reading new books.

Continue reading “My July Monthly Wrap Up”